Index | Parent | Numeric class |
You can't create Numeric class objects, but it's attribute and methods can be used with any of its subclasses.
Name | Type | Class | Note |
CheckAllSize | B | ISGN | |
Default | N | ISGN | |
Max | N | ISGN | |
Min | N | ISGN | |
Reverse | B | ISGN | |
RevLeftRight | B | ISGN | |
RevUpDown | B | ISGN | |
Value | N | ISGN |
WARNING: If Max-Min is -1, both at init time or after a set, the class will refuse to accept it (for the simple reasone if taht condition is true, MUI crashes).
Name | Parameters | Note |
Decrease | <delta/> | |
Increase | <delta/N> | |
SetDefault | <value/N> | |
StringToValue | <scalemin/N>,<scalemax/N>,<scale/N> | |
ValueToString | <min/N>,<max/N> |